How to read Tarot Cards :A Beginner’s Guide

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Introduction to Tarot Cards

Alrighty, let's get cozy and chat about something truly fascinating—tarot cards! Imagine holding a deck in your hands, each card whispering stories and secrets from the past. In this ultimate guide for beginners, we'll stroll through the history of tarot cards and peek into their structure—divided neatly into 78 cards across the Major and Minor Arcana, each segment telling part of our collective human story. By the end of our talk, you’ll see why so many people find solace and insight in these captivating cards.

Ready to learn how to read tarot? Pull up a chair (or a card!)

What are tarot cards?

• Ever think of having a chat with your inner self? That’s what tarot cards facilitate. Each of the 78 cards serves as a conduit to understanding our innermost layers, helping us see beyond the noise of daily life. They don’t tell us what will happen—they help us understand what could happen based on our internal landscapes.

• So next time you’re feeling stuck or unsure about a decision, drawing a tarot deck can be like asking an old friend for advice, offering insights that resonate with your personal journey.

History of tarot cards

• Tarot cards emerged in 15th century Europe, initially for games, evolving by the 18th century into divination tools. Each era has added layers of interpretation, transforming them into modern instruments for spiritual introspection.

• The Rider-Waite deck, one of the most popular tarot decks used today, exemplifies this evolution with its detailed illustrations that open deeper dimensions of energy and meaning.

a couple of mirrors sitting on top of a table

Understanding the Tarot Deck Structure

• A tarot deck is like a book with two sections: the Major Arcana of 22 life-theme cards and the Minor Arcana of 56 daily life cards divided into four suits—Cups reflecting emotions; Pentacles focusing on material aspects; Swords cutting through mental challenges; Wands igniting passions—adds its own flavor to readings making every draw uniquely insightful. Together they offer a full spectrum of guidance from profound events in existence to daily interactions.

Major Arcana Cards

The Major Arcana cards are like main characters in the story of your existence, acting as guides that help illuminate paths through their archetypal energies—from initiating new journeys with The Fool to concluding cycles with The World.

Minor Arcana Cards

• While Major Arcana cards capture grand themes...Minor Arcana brings attention back to everyday concerns. These 56 cards are divided into four suits—Cups, Pentacles, Swords, and Wands—each representing a di  fferent facet of human experience. Within each suit, you will find characters such as the Page, Knight, Queen, and King.

• Each figure—from Knight to Queen to King—plays a unique role in conveying messages about maturity levels, leadership qualities, and personal growth through their actions and attitudes in various life scenarios.

The Four Suits : cups, pentacles, swords, and wands

• Cups focus on emotions and relationships, often highlighting feelings during significant emotional events. For example, the Two of Cups symbolizes deep, respectful partnerships.

• Pentacles address practical matters like finances and health, urging caution and stability. The Four of Pentacles represents financial security or conservatism.

• Swords deal with intellectual challenges and decision-making, often during conflicts or pivotal insights. The Ace of Swords suggests a breakthrough or new idea.

• Wands represent energy and ambition, encouraging proactive steps toward goals. The Eight of Wands indicates swift progress in endeavors.

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Preparing for your first Tarot Reading

Choose a tarot deck that resonates with you, and consider starting simple with three-card spreads before progressing to more elaborate setups like those found in traditional Rider-Waite teachings.

Choosing your tarot deck

Selecting the perfect tarot deck for yourself involves tuning into how each deck’s imagery and symbolism aligns with your intuition. As you browse different options, focus on how the visuals of each card make you feel—are they inviting or intriguing? Do they provoke thought or offer comfort? The symbolism in tarot is powerful and personal; it should stir something within you, helping to unlock insights during readings. Whether it's a beautifully detailed historical deck or one with simple, contemporary art, ensure that it resonates on a deep level. This connection is essential as these cards will be tools for reflection through their symbolic language.

Ever wondered why your astrological diagram looks different from your friend's, even if you share the same sun sign? It's all about the house system! In astrology, different house systems divide the 360-degree wheel of your chart into twelve unique sections, each representing a distinct area of life.

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a person holding a card in front of a fan
Creating the right environment

Create a conducive environment for tarot readings by selecting a quiet space with soft lighting, like dimmed lamps or candles.

Enhance the area with calming elements such as crystals or soothing artwork, ensuring comfortable seating for a relaxed experience.

How to phrase your questions for tarot reading

Phrase tarot questions to be open-ended yet specific to maximize insights. Avoid yes-or-no queries; instead ask reflective questions like 'How can I improve my relationship with X?' This approach fosters deeper understanding and actionable advice.

  • Do's:

Do ask open-ended questions:

✨ Example: "What can I do to advance in my career?"

This allows the cards to provide a range of insights and possibilities that can help guide your actions.

Do focus on yourself:

✨ Example: "What steps can I take to improve my relationship with my partner?"

Tarot readings are most effective when you focus on your own actions and attitudes, rather than trying to uncover or control the actions of others.

Do be specific about the area of inquiry:

✨ Example: "What should I be aware of when starting my new business?"

Being specific about the context or area helps in getting more directed advice that is relevant to your situation.
orange tarot card
  • Don'ts:

Don’t ask yes-or-no questions:

✨ Example: "Will I move to a new city this year?"

Yes-or-no questions tend to close off deeper exploration and limit the scope of the reading.

Don’t ask overly broad or vague questions:

✨ Example: "Tell me about my future."

Such questions can lead to generic answers that might not provide practical guidance or relevance to your current concerns.

Don’t focus on other people’s thoughts or actions:

✨ "Is my boss happy with my work?"

Questions aimed at probing into others' minds or predicting their behavior often stray from the introspective and self-guided principles central to tarot readings.

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The basics of Tarot Reading

Understanding tarot card meanings

Starting with tarot involves memorizing traditional meanings but the real magic lies in tuning into your intuition. Each card, like a friend sharing insights, reflects your personal experiences.

Listen to the stories each card tells and how they make you feel. For example, The Fool might symbolize a new beginning—consider whether it feels like an exciting leap or a gentle step forward.

By combining traditional meanings with intuitive insights, you create a deeply personal tarot reading experience that guides your path with wisdom.

Ever wondered why your astrological diagram looks different from your friend's, even if you share the same sun sign? It's all about the house system! In astrology, different house systems divide the 360-degree wheel of your chart into twelve unique sections, each representing a distinct area of life.

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a tarot card with a sword and scales on it

The significance of reversed cards

Ever pulled a reversed tarot card and felt a wee bit anxious? No worries, let's demystify these upside-down messengers. Reversed cards often get a bad rap, but they're just bringing you insights from a different angle—like hearing an old song in a new way.

They might point to areas where you’re facing resistance or where there’s room for personal growth. It’s their way of saying, “Hey, take another look here; something important needs your attention!”

Ever wondered why your astrological diagram looks different from your friend's, even if you share the same sun sign? It's all about the house system! In astrology, different house systems divide the 360-degree wheel of your chart into twelve unique sections, each representing a distinct area of life.

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Popular Tarot Card Spreads

Let’s spread out the cards and dive into some of the most beloved tarot spreads! Popular tarot spreads can range from simple to complex, each designed for various queries. These layouts help focus your intentions, offering clarity on specific issues or broader guidance.

The one card spread

• Ever thought a single card could give you enough food for thought for an entire day? Enter the one card tarot spread, your go-to for daily guidance or quick answers.

• This minimalist approach cuts through the noise, delivering clear and concise insights without overwhelming you with details. Just shuffle, draw, and reflect—whether it's about a particular situation or existence in general. It's amazing how much wisdom can be packed into one little card!

The three card spread

• Let’s triple the insight with the three card tarot spread, a versatile favorite among tarot enthusiasts and a versatile tool for glimpsing past, present, and future, or examining aspects like body, mind, and spirit. This spread offers insights into where you've been, your current state, and potential future directions.

• To use it: Shuffle your deck while focusing on your question. Draw and lay out three cards side by side. The first card represents past influences, the second shows current circumstances, and the third reveals potential future outcomes.

The celtic cross spread

• The Celtic Cross spread is the grandmaster of tarot layouts, renowned for its complexity and the depth of insight it offers. This ten-card spread is a favorite for those seeking a comprehensive overview of their life or a particular situation. It’s like having a detailed map when you’re on a complex journey, providing guidance at every turn.

• The layout covers everything from your current situation and potential challenges to your hopes, fears, and eventual outcomes. It’s perfect for when you need an in-depth analysis and are prepared to delve deep into the underlying themes and future possibilities.

a woman covering her face with a deck of cards

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Daily tarot

The first card represents past influences, the second shows current circumstances, and the third reveals potential future outcomes.
three tarot cardsthree tarot cardstarot cards

Step-by-step Guide to reading tarot cards

Understanding how to handle and interpret tarot cards is crucial for any aspiring tarot reader.
Here's a simple cards step guide to get you started:

Laying out the cards in a spread

When laying out tarot cards, think of each position in your chosen spread as holding a unique piece of your query’s puzzle. Different spreads serve different purposes; for example, a linear spread might represent a chronological sequence like past-present-future, while a circular or cross-shaped layout could focus on exploring core issues from multiple angles.

Begin by placing the first card as directed by your chosen spread—this often sets the tone for the reading. Continue laying out each card according to its designated spot and significance within the spread, maintaining focus on your question and how each card’s placement adds depth to your answers.

Ever wondered why your astrological diagram looks different from your friend's, even if you share the same sun sign? It's all about the house system! In astrology, different house systems divide the 360-degree wheel of your chart into twelve unique sections, each representing a distinct area of life.

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Cutting the deck and Interpreting

Shuffle and cut your tarot deck to set intentions and align with your energy. Hold the deck, take deep breaths, and focus on your query while shuffling in any style you prefer. Cut the deck into three piles with your left hand for intuition, then stack them as feels right, personalizing your reading.

When interpreting tarot cards, think of yourself as a detective piecing together clues from each card within the context of your question and layout. Each card offers unique insights, but their true power lies in how they relate to one another within the spread!

Popular Tarot Card Spreads

Let’s spread out the cards and dive into some of the most beloved tarot spreads! Popular tarot spreads can range from simple to complex, each designed for various queries. These layouts help focus your intentions, offering clarity on specific issues or broader guidance.


Your core sign is like the main character in the movie of your life. It influences your whole vibe, from how you see yourself to the things that make you tick.

  • Confidence Level :

Eget quis mi enim, leo lacinia pharetra, semper. Eget in volutpat mollis at volutpat lectus velit, sed auctor. Porttitor fames arcu quis fusce augue enim. Quis at habitant diam at. Suscipit tristique risus, at donec. In turpis vel et quam imperdiet. Ipsum molestie aliquet sodales id est ac volutpat.

  • Express Yourself Like Nobody's Watching :

This is where your core traits become evident. It shows how you naturally express yourself, like your personal superpower. A fiery Aries might be the ultimate adventurer, while a Cancer is all about deep feels and emotional connections.

  • Adulting, but Make it :

Your core sign offers hints about your path, highlighting areas where you'll excel. Geminis might be brainiacs who love learning new stuff, while Virgos are the organization queens (or kings!).

But hold up! Your core sign is just the first episode in your astrological Netflix series. It interacts with other planets and signs in your chart, creating a unique blend that's basically you.

The rising sign and first impressions

Ever wonder why you come across as shy at first meetings, even though you're a party animal deep down? Or maybe you give off a mysterious vibe, even though you're an open book? That, my friend, is the magic (or maybe mayhem) of your Rising Sign. Think of it as your astrological first impression filter.

  • First Impressions

Your Ascendant is like the initial "hello" you project to the world. It colors how people perceive you in those first few crucial moments. An Aries Rising might come across as bold and confident, while a Pisces Rising might seem more dreamy and artistic.

  • The "You" You Don't Always Show

It's not always your true self, though! Your Rising Sign can be like a social mask you wear, influenced by your environment and experiences.

  • Beyond Small Talk: A Window to Your Potential

While your initial persona is all about first impressions, it also hints at hidden potential. It can show areas where you're naturally gifted, even if you haven't fully tapped into them yet.

Your Ascendant is your cosmic calling card. It helps you navigate the world and make connections. ✨

The Ascendant and Midheaven

Sun sign? Done. Moon sign? Nailed it. Now for the power couple: Ascendant & Midheaven!

  • Ascendant

Your first impression mask. Like your personal brand.

  • Midheaven

Your "reach for the stars" point, career goals & public image.

Think of them as launchpad (Ascendant) and destination (Midheaven). They show how you present yourself (Ascendant) to reach your goals (Midheaven).

  • A Cancer Ascendant with a Capricorn Midheaven

This person might come across as nurturing and sensitive (Cancer) at first, but deep down, they have a strong drive for success and recognition (Capricorn).

  • An Aries Ascendant with a Libra Midheaven:

This individual might appear bold and independent (Aries) initially, but their ultimate goal might be to create harmony and partnerships (Libra) in their chosen field.

Align with your stars, embrace your true self.

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Step-by-step Guide to reading tarot cards

Understanding how to handle and interpret tarot cards is crucial for any aspiring tarot reader. Here's a simple cards step guide to get you started:

Common mistakes to avoid in tarot reading

  • Interpreting cards at face value only: Dive deeper than the obvious meanings.
  • Focusing solely on single cards: Look for connections and patterns that involve multiple cards.
  • Ignoring reversals in readings: Reversed positions often reveal obstacles or reflections on personal growth.
  • Hasty conclusions in readings: Give yourself space and time to ponder each card’s contribution.
  • Relying only on conventional meanings: Let your personal experiences and feelings color your interpretations.
  • Interpreting cards at face value only: Dive deeper than the obvious meanings.
  • Focusing solely on single cards: Look for connections and patterns that involve multiple cards.
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Enhancing intuition for tarot reading

Boost your tarot intuition with meditation and journaling. Meditation eliminates mental clutter, improving the clarity of the readings, while journaling deepens your personal connection to each reading.

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Keep in mind

Imagine you pull the Death card and immediately think, 'Oh no, something terrible is going to happen!' That's a classic newbie trap. The Death card often symbolizes transformation or the end of a phase, not actual doom and gloom. And let’s say your spread shows a mix of Wands and Swords but you fixate only on that fiery Ace of Wands. You might miss how those Swords could be telling you to balance that new passion with thoughtful planning or clear communication.

Joining AstroClub to interpret your Tarot Reading

Why go it alone when AstroClub can be your daily companion on the tarot path? By joining, you unlock a world where each day starts with a beautiful, meaningful tarot card drawn just for you. The app doesn’t just show you the cards—it brings them to life with detailed explanations and how they relate to different aspects of your life. Struggling with decisions? Let the specialized yes/no tarot spread help you cut through uncertainty. With AstroClub, integrate the wisdom of tarot into everyday decisions, making life’s journey richer and more informed.

Why go it alone when AstroClub can be your daily companion on the tarot path? By joining, you unlock a world where each day starts with a beautiful, meaningful tarot card drawn just for you.

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What is Tarot Reading?

How many cards are in tarot deck?

Can tarot predict the future?

What does it mean when a tarot card is reversed?

What are the best spreads for beginners?

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