Major Arcana Tarot Card Meanings

Major Arcana Tarot Card Meanings

July 23, 2024
5 min read

The Twelve Astrology Houses and their meanings


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The Major Arcana cards are like the main characters in the story of your life. They represent the big themes, lessons, and plot twists that shape your journey.

For a full understanding of the Major Arcana, we delve into the meaning of each card in the deck, exploring how a tarot reading can illuminate the path you're on and reveal significant moments and decisions that come with time.

Let's explore each card and see how they can guide you through life's journey! 🗺️🎢

0. The Fool - New Beginnings and Infinite Possibilities

The Fool symbolizes new beginnings and the start of a journey filled with endless possibilities.

Upright Lesson: Trust in the journey and be open to new experiences.

Reversed Lesson: Be cautious of taking unnecessary risks and look before you leap.

Example: Feeling stuck in your career? The Fool encourages a leap of faith to pursue your passions. Reversed, it suggests pausing to assess the situation carefully. 🌀

I. The Magician - Manifestation and Personal Power

The Magician represents the power to manifest your desires and turn ideas into reality.

Upright Lesson: Believe in your abilities and use your skills to create the life you want.

Reversed Lesson: Avoid using your power for selfish reasons and ensure you're reaching your full potential.

Example: Dreaming of starting a business? The Magician reminds you that you have everything you need. Reversed, it may indicate not fully utilizing your talents or manipulating situations. 🎩

II. The High Priestess - Intuition and Hidden Knowledge

The High Priestess is all about intuition, inner wisdom, and accessing hidden knowledge.

Upright Lesson: Trust your inner voice and pay attention to your dreams and hunches.

Reversed Lesson: Don't ignore your intuition, even if it goes against others' advice.

Example: Facing a tough decision? The High Priestess encourages meditation and listening to your gut. Reversed, it suggests ignoring intuition or withheld information. 🙇‍♀️

III. The Empress - Fertility and Abundance

The Empress embodies fertility, abundance, and the nurturing aspects of life.

Upright Lesson: Embrace your creative side and take care of yourself and others.

Reversed Lesson: Avoid overgiving and remember to set boundaries and practice self-care.

Example: Feeling burnt out? The Empress reminds you to prioritize self-care and joy. Reversed, it suggests neglecting your needs for others or experiencing creative blocks. 🧘‍♀️

IV. The Emperor - Authority and Structural Power

The Emperor stands for authority, structure, and establishing control over your life.

Upright Lesson: Establish structure and boundaries for success.

Reversed Lesson: Avoid being too controlling and learn to delegate.

Example: Overwhelmed at work? The Emperor encourages setting clear goals and boundaries. Reversed, it suggests micromanaging or needing more flexibility. 🎭

V. The Hierophant - Tradition and Conformity

The Hierophant represents tradition, spiritual guidance, and learning from established wisdom.

Upright Lesson: Learn from mentors and established institutions.

Reversed Lesson: Question the status quo and trust your inner wisdom.

Example: Struggling spiritually? The Hierophant suggests seeking guidance from a trusted teacher. Reversed, it may indicate feeling restricted by traditions or finding your own path. 🧙‍♂️

VI. The Lovers - Choices and Relationships

The Lovers highlight the importance of making choices that align with your values and heart.

Upright Lesson: Follow your heart and choose what aligns with your values.

Reversed Lesson: Beware of codependency or external pressures influencing your decisions.

Example: Torn between job offers? The Lovers encourage choosing the path that feels right. Reversed, it suggests prioritizing others over yourself or struggling with indecision. 💔

VII. The Chariot - Control and Victory

The Chariot signifies determination, control, and the pursuit of goals.

Upright Lesson: Stay determined and focused on your goals.

Reversed Lesson: Avoid burnout and ensure balance in your pursuits.

Example: Working on a big project? The Chariot reminds you to stay disciplined. Reversed, it may indicate feeling scattered or needing to reassess priorities. 🤸‍♀️

VIII. Strength - Courage and Patience

Strength represents inner courage, compassion, and resilience.

Upright Lesson: Face challenges with courage and compassion.

Reversed Lesson: Be gentle with yourself and others, embracing vulnerability.

Example: Dealing with a tough relationship? Strength encourages kindness and understanding. Reversed, it suggests repressing emotions or needing more assertiveness. 🥊

IX. The Hermit - Solitude and Self-Reflection

The Hermit is about introspection, solitude, and seeking inner wisdom.

Upright Lesson: Spend time alone to gain clarity and insight.

Reversed Lesson: Balance introspection with connection and action.

Example: Feeling lost? The Hermit suggests a solo retreat or journaling. Reversed, it may indicate loneliness or needing to share insights. 📓

X. Wheel of Fortune - Cycles and Change

The Wheel of Fortune signifies change, cycles, and the ebb and flow of life.

Upright Lesson: Accept that change is inevitable and trust the process.

Reversed Lesson: Be proactive in creating your luck and embrace change.

Example: Experienced a sudden life shift? The Wheel of Fortune reminds you to go with the flow. Reversed, it suggests feeling stuck or needing to shape your destiny. 🍀

XI. Justice - Fairness and Cause and Effect

Justice stands for fairness, truth, and making balanced decisions.

Upright Lesson: Make fair and honest decisions, considering all sides.

Reversed Lesson: Beware of biases and strive for fairness.

Example: Mediating a conflict? Justice encourages balanced solutions. Reversed, it may indicate lack of objectivity or needing to stand up for what's right. 🤝

XII. The Hanged Man - Perspective and Sacrifice

The Hanged Man is about letting go and seeing things from a new perspective.

Upright Lesson: Let go and see things from a different perspective.

Reversed Lesson: Avoid feeling stuck and take action to break free from limitations.

Example: Feeling stuck? The Hanged Man suggests surrendering control and finding peace. Reversed, it may indicate resisting change or needing proactive steps. 🧘‍♂️

XIII. Death - Transformation and Ending

Death symbolizes transformation and the end of a cycle.

Upright Lesson: Let go of the past and welcome transformation.

Reversed Lesson: Avoid resisting necessary endings and changes.

Example: Going through a life transition? Death encourages releasing the old and trusting in rebirth. Reversed, it suggests clinging to the past or fearing change. 💀

XIV. Temperance - Balance and Moderation

Temperance represents balance, harmony, and moderation.

Upright Lesson: Seek harmony and practice moderation.

Reversed Lesson: Avoid overindulgence and find balance.

Example: Struggling with work-life balance? Temperance reminds you to create a balanced schedule. Reversed, it suggests feeling out of sync or needing better balance. 🎭

XV. The Devil - Bondage and Materialism

Upright Lesson: Let go of the past and welcome transformation.

Reversed Lesson: Avoid resisting necessary endings and changes.

Example: Going through a life transition? Death encourages releasing the old and trusting in rebirth. Reversed, it suggests clinging to the past or fearing change. 💀

XVI. The Tower - Upheaval and Unexpected Change

The Tower signifies upheaval and the need to rebuild stronger foundations.

Upright Lesson: Allow old structures to crumble and rebuild stronger.

Reversed Lesson: Address foundational issues before crisis forces change.

Example: Lost your job suddenly? The Tower suggests this upheaval clears the way for better opportunities. Reversed, it indicates resisting changes or needing preparation. 🏰

XVII. The Star - Hope and Inspiration

The Star represents hope, inspiration, and renewed faith.

Upright Lesson: Trust in the universe and keep hope alive.

Reversed Lesson: Avoid losing sight of dreams and stay hopeful.

Example: Facing a tough time? The Star reminds you to keep faith and trust in brighter days. Reversed, it suggests feeling hopeless or needing to reconnect with purpose. ✨

XVIII. The Moon - Illusion and Intuition

The Moon is about intuition, illusion, and exploring the subconscious.

Upright Lesson: Trust your intuition and face your fears.

Reversed Lesson: Avoid self-deception and bring hidden truths to light.

Example: Unsure about a relationship? The Moon encourages trusting your gut and exploring your subconscious. Reversed, it indicates confusion or needing clarity. 🎭

XIX. The Sun - Success and Vitality

The Sun symbolizes joy, success, and positivity.

Upright Lesson: Celebrate successes and let your light shine.

Reversed Lesson: Avoid taking blessings for granted and stay optimistic.

Example: Achieved a goal? The Sun reminds you to bask in joy and share happiness. Reversed, it suggests feeling blocked or needing gratitude. 🌻

XX. Judgement - Reckoning and Awakening

Judgement is about awakening, purpose, and self-reflection.

Upright Lesson: Align with your higher purpose and experience awakening.

Reversed Lesson: Avoid harsh self-judgment and see experiences as growth opportunities.

Example: Feeling unfulfilled? Judgement encourages reflection on your true calling. Reversed, it suggests self-criticism or needing to release regrets. 🌅

XXI. The World - Completion and Wholeness

The World signifies completion, wholeness, and new beginnings.

Upright Lesson: Honor achievements and lessons learned.

Reversed Lesson: Avoid feeling incomplete and remember new beginnings follow endings.

Example: Completed a major chapter? The World reminds you to celebrate growth and prepare for the next cycle. Reversed, it suggests resisting closure or needing to tie up loose ends. 🎉

Practical Tips for Using Major Arcana in Readings

1 - Connect the Dots: Major Arcana cards are puzzle pieces that fit together to tell a bigger story. Look at how they relate to each other. 🧩

2 - Combine with Minor Arcana: Major Arcana sets the stage, Minor Arcana fills in details. Combine for a comprehensive picture. 📰

3 - Use for Personal Growth: Major Arcana cards are life coaches, guiding you towards self-discovery and transformation. 💖

4 - Pay Attention to Positions: Upright and reversed positions change meanings. Upright may represent needed energy; reversed may indicate areas for inner work. 🌌

5 - Trust Your Intuition: Your intuition is your superpower. Trust it to guide you towards necessary messages. 🧠✨

To ensure a full understanding of your tarot reading, consider the entire deck, including both Major and Minor Arcana cards, as each card's meaning contributes to the overarching narrative.

The Major Arcana cards are your guides on this wild and wondrous journey called life. Trust your intuition and let the wisdom of the Major Arcana illuminate your path! 🌟

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