Astrology Terms to Know

All the astrological terms you need to know from A to Z
Step into the magical realm of astrology, where the stars and planets weave the narrative of our lives. Whether you are just beginning your astrological journey or seeking to deepen your celestial knowledge, this guide is your gateway to understanding the fundamental terms of astrology. Here, we'll cover everything from the rudiments of the Zodiac signs to the complexities of planetary aspects and houses.
Prepare to enrich your understanding of horoscopes, chart interpretations, and the cosmic dialogue that influences our daily existence. With clear explanations and insightful definitions, this guide will empower you to unlock the secrets held by the stars and apply this wisdom to navigate your life with greater awareness.
Embark on this enlightening exploration with us, as we decode the language of the universe, one astrological term at a time. Ready to connect with the cosmos?
Air signs
Air signs include Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. People born under these signs are all about communication and ideas. They're the breath of fresh air when things get too heated, often bringing new perspectives and clarity to any situation.
In astrology, angles are the most significant points in a birth chart, including the Ascendant, Midheaven, Descendant, and Imum Coeli. These points represent the primary cross of a chart and mark the beginning of the 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th houses, respectively. They highlight personal identity, career and ambitions, relationships, and the home environment.
Often called your 'rising sign,' this is the zodiac sign that was ascending on the eastern horizon at your time of birth. It's how you appear to others and your initial approach to life.
Imagine all the planets having a conversation up there in the sky. The angles they make? Those are aspects. They tell us whether they’re having a friendly chat or a bit of a squabble. For instance, a friendly sextile happens at 60 degrees apart, offering a helping hand, while a square at 90 degrees might mean they’re having a bit of a tiff.
Cardinal signs
Initiators of the zodiac, these three zodiac signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) correspond with the start of each season and are known for their leadership qualities.
Known as the "Wounded Healer," Chiron is a minor planet that uncovers our deepest wounds, offering us the opportunity to heal and transform our vulnerabilities into strengths. Its placement in your chart pinpoints where you might experience life's greatest challenges but also where you have the potential to grow profoundly.
Composite chart
A composite chart is a unique astrological tool created by blending two individual's natal charts to form one. This chart represents the essence of a relationship, capturing its dynamics and potential. It's a way to explore how two people come together, highlighting the strengths and challenges they may face as a unit.
A conjunction occurs when two or more planets align in the same zodiac sign, merging their energies. This powerful aspect amplifies the characteristics and influence of the involved planets, often marking significant periods of initiation and new beginnings in a person's life.
Critical degrees
Critical degrees, also known as "Anaretic degrees," are the final degrees (29th) of any zodiac sign and the 0 degree of the cardinal signs. These points in a chart signify endings and significant transitions. Planets placed at these degrees often emphasize a sense of urgency and pivotal changes in the areas affected by the planets and signs involved.
If you were born right at the time when the sun was shifting from one zodiac sign to another, you're on a cusp. You might find you possess traits from both involved signs!
Opposite your ascendant, this point in your birth chart represents partnerships and close relationships. It's often described as your 'shadow self.’
Earth signs
Sturdy and reliable, Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) keep everyone grounded. They value stability and practicality above all else.
This celestial event occurs when the sun and moon align with Earth in between them (solar eclipse) or behind them (lunar eclipse). Eclipses bring sudden changes and revelations!
In astrology, we group the zodiac signs into four clusters: fire, earth, air, and water. Each element shapes how celestial objects like planets and stars stir up our personal traits and guide our paths.
Feminine signs
Feminine signs are the earth and water signs: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces. These signs are traditionally associated with receptivity, introspection, and a nurturing capacity. They emphasize depth, resilience, and sensitivity in the zodiac, often focusing on emotional and practical outcomes.
Fire signs
The sparklers of the zodiac—Aries, Leo, Sagittarius—are fiery indeed! Passionate and dynamic, they light up any room with their enthusiasm.
A horoscope is a detailed astrological chart or diagram representing the positions of the sun, moon, planets, astrological aspects, and sensitive angles at the time of an event, such as the moment of a person's birth.
The term also refers to predictions made based on this chart, particularly as they relate to an individual's personality traits and life circumstances. Horoscopes are used to provide insights into future events, personal tendencies, and challenges, offering guidance on life decisions and personal growth.
The 12 sections of your birth chart represent different areas of life—from career to relationships—each influenced by different signs and planets.
Masculine signs
Masculine signs encompass the fire and air signs: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius. These signs are characterized by their outward-focused energy, assertiveness, and action-oriented approach. They are typically linked with dynamism, initiation, and direct communication, embodying a more proactive and extroverted quality.
Located at the top of your chart (the tenth house), it represents career goals and public image—the zenith of personal achievements.
Moon Phases
From new beginnings at New Moon to full-on revelations at Full Moon—each phase tugs at our emotions differently inviting introspection or celebration.
Mutable Signs
The adaptable and flexible Mutable signs—Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces—mark the end of each season, preparing for transition. These signs are known for their ability to adjust and adapt, bringing versatility and a willingness to change to the forefront of their interactions and experiences.
Natal Chart
Your unique cosmic blueprint drawn at your first breath—it maps out potential paths through life based on where stars aligned just for you!
Personal Planets
The personal planets include Mercury, Venus, Mars, the Moon, and the Sun. These celestial bodies move quickly through the zodiac, significantly influencing individual personality traits and day-to-day activities. They govern core aspects such as emotions, communication, love, action, and personal identity, shaping immediate reactions and personal experiences.
A birth chart is divided into four quadrants, each associated with different areas of life. The first quadrant focuses on personal identity and self-awareness; the second on resources and values; the third on communication and community; and the fourth on public life and aspirations. Each quadrant consists of three houses and reflects a unique aspect of personal development and interaction with the world.
When planets appear to backpedal across our skies (hello Mercury!), it’s time for all of us down here to review plans rather than pushing forward—a universal “pause” button!
Saturn Return
This rite of passage hits every 29 years forcing growth spurts whether we’re ready or not—it asks big questions about life direction because adulting is hard!
A full moon that appears larger than usual because it's closer to Earth—linked with heightened emotions and significant events in astrology.
As planets keep moving within our solar system post-birth chart creation, they form new angles affecting us daily. These movements are called transits—an ongoing dialogue between "now" and "then.”
Water signs
Dive deep with Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces—the emotional heart of our zodiac sea. These signs navigate through feelings with an intuitive grace that can calm even stormy waters.
The Zodiac is a celestial wheel aligned with Earth's north-south axis, containing all twelve signs from fiery Aries to watery Pisces. This alignment, along with fixed stars—constant points in the sky—adds depth and historical context, guiding our astrological interpretations and how planetary movements influence us!
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Explore the cosmos and connect with your inner universe—because when you understand the stars, you can truly shine.